Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Moments of Clarity/Moments of Confusion

Okay, so I don't Blog every day. This is not a true diary. I come here only when I have a significant day.

Let me explain. After working last weekend and with the prospect of working next weekend (I do IT and telecoms support for a Global Corporation) I took six days off. Monday thru Friday were to belong to Carol and me.

My client had some serious issues with telecoms and I was asked to throw in the weight of my 'experience' on a remote support basis. The result? I lost some time that I had thought belonged to me. Carol, thankfully, was 'understanding'. I was pleased to be of sufficient importance to my client to be asked, and to be of use. Ego? Yeah it is - so what?

At the same time, my very good friend and fellow author M.E.Ellis (I follow in her writing footsteps) published on her Blog a thread on Deja Vu.

She asked of me if I had knowledge of current scientific thinking on the concept of 'conscience'. I quoted a part of the entry in Wikipedia and said "Me? I just go with the flow."

Taking my quote as a point of reference she went off searching the web for material and came back to post lots of interesting comment. Her conclusion though was to examine how the life work of genius related back to her own existence.

I read her thoughts in awe. This lady is relatively young in years in comparison to her 'life experience' but I suppose I should have expected no less from her. The crux is that, any fool can go seek knowledge. The Internet is indeed a wonderful resource. Only the wise will apply that accumulated knowledge in a balanced way to their own reality.

We are all, to some degree, neurotic and neurosis cam be attributed to many things. Sigmund Freud concluded that most human behaviour was related to childhood learning. I respectfully choose to disagree. A huge amount of human behaviour is related to genetic learning. Neurosis, such as fear of snakes, fear of insects and the like comes from so far back in our genetic history that they can never be rationalised out of existence.

That being the case, the best solution is - go with the flow. My opinion only you understand but one I hold dearly.


1 comment:

Emmy Ellis said...

Ooooooh! I'm all red cheeked and stuff!
