Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Another Excellent Review for The Cost of Loyalty

Bella Tyler reviewed The Cost of Loyalty for Wild Child on the 10 Feb 2007.

Here's what she said -

Number Ten Thousand:

Johnny, a soldier in Vietnam, had never known love until he met Georgie, a Red Cross nurse. When news arrives that Georgie's camp has been attacked, Johnny will do whatever it takes to reach her.

The Cost of Loyalty:

Rob will be up for a Court Marshall for covering up for Johnny if his senior officer has his way. But Rob knows Johnny wouldn't have gone AWOL. Something else must have held him up and Rob is determined to find out what
F. Foxx delivers a great pair of stories about love, friendship, and loyalty. The storyline is well thought out and well written. I was immediately drawn into the stories through F. Foxx's excellent descriptions. The wartime atmosphere is so excellently described you can almost hear the bullets whizzing by and feel the fear of the men as they encounter the enemy. His characters are very real which makes it easy to get caught up in their story.

I give The Cost of Loyalty by F. Foxx...Five Freya's Cats

Rating: 5 Cats