Sunday, September 10, 2006

Happening Stuff

Fairly big week on the writing front.

12th September - The Cost of Loyalty is up for review on Literary Sass. Sign in and watch me burn!!!

This week I also start the editing process of The Gateway with Karen Frontaine of Wild Child Publishing.

15th September - I have a horror short - The Nightmare - in the Wild Child Publishing eMagazine.

Last but by no means least. My very good friend M.E.Ellis has launched a trailer for her book Quits.

Watch the trailer it is very good. Then get the book from Wild Child Publishing - what this writer does with characters is... well, read it and you be the judge.

M.E.Ellis donates all her book royalties to charity. So you can indulge yourself and get that righteous feeling at the same time.



Cellophane Queen said...

Hi Ffox: I'm also an M.E. Ellis follower. I'll link to your blog from mine at

Emmy Ellis said...

Thank you, mate!
