Sunday, December 17, 2006

A New Life? - I Hope...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. (Ooooops - does that sound like a cliché or what?)

You see, normally at this time on a Sunday I would be almost back in Cambridge, ready to grab a few hours kip before starting the working week. This week it's different, today I just finished getting my American camper ready for a start tomorrow on two months of travelling.

Xmas will see us in the depths of Somerset, where we will explore the coastline, Cheddar George and Glastonbury. After that it will be wherever fancy takes us.

Don't get me wrong, this is not early retirement, it's not a wealthy flight of fancy.

For the last few years I've worked very hard to establish a reputation of quality and reliability with my clients. At the same time I've worked very hard to develop my writing skills. The time has come to give the writing some time and effort.

If I fail - well, that's life.

Wish me luck...



Emmy Ellis said...

Good luck!

Doing my last round of blogs before yuletide descends.

Merry Christmas, my friend.


Daniel I. Russell said...

Jesus , Fox.

You back yet? Or did you drive into Cheddar gorge and explode in a ball of flames?