Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Breaking News

The Cost of Loyalty is now available from Fictionwise.

But sadly, The Gateway has been withdrawn and will not now achieve its Wild Child Publishing release date.
The decision to withdraw it was solely mine and was due to pressure of work. I owe gratitude to WCP and their editor Karen Frontain for their help and support in bringing the book to its current state and my apologies to them for my inability to complete the job.
Hopefully, the book will appear at some stage in the future, when I have the time to complete it.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Freya's Bower Festval Weekend - 7th/8th July

Fancy a little fun this coming weekend?

Log on to the Freya’s Bower Festival Weekend. Anytime during the 7th 8th July EST (around five hours behind BST).

The address is

You’ll need to be over eighteen and you’ll need a Yahoo account (set one up as you go in if you don’t already have one.)

FB Authors will be popping in and out all weekend just to answer your questions and set up fun competitions.

Some authors will actually visit in the persona of their fictional characters.

If you’re a writers and you’re considering epublishing. Go along and chat to authors who actually do it.

The Gateway

It's been a heavy month on the work in progress with lots of sections to re-write.

All coming towards a finish now with the early August publishing date looking more likely as each day passes.

Come back soon for another excerpt.
